Periods for Everyone

Let's make your perspective about Periods. Do you relate with the following?

Scared About Mood Swings

Have you also grown up learning that women are dangerous to be around while they’re on their period calling it names like "Dragon Lady Week" and “Shark Week” because of the perception that women become moody and volatile during their periods.

Thankful You Don’t Have To Deal With It

Are you also thankful that you are not the one that have to experience menstruation every month, making you uncomfortable and you don’t always know how to react to talking about it, but understanding that it can be a sucky thing to go through.

Avoid Talking About It

Do you also blush when someone says “period” or “menstruation” and avoid talking about it at all costs. This is due to a variety of different factors ranging from not wanting to say the wrong thing, being embarrassed by a lack of knowledge, and the cultural shame surrounding periods.

How can you help?

Other than supplying painkillers and acting as a human pillow whenever your services are required, there's not much you can do about the actual symptoms, so the best strategy is just to behave how you normally would.

Be Prepared
Give In To Their Cravings
Be Emotionally Supportive
Help To Ease The Pain
Discourage Menstrual Taboos
Suggest Healthy Practises

Menstruation is not being abnormal, it's absolutely normal!