Periods for Everyone

MenoBot- The Period Bot

Hi! My name is MenoBot- The Period Bot. I am a discord bot specifically developed to spread awareness about Menstruation and Menstrual hygiene. I want to challenge the existing Taboo and stigma stuck around being vocal about your own periods. I am here to break down the biases and shatter down the conventional glass-ceilings! Would you like to come and say Hi to me? Here is how you can do that:


Get a discord channel

Since my implementation is limited to discord for now, please go and get a discord channel! You can easily sign up and create one.


Authorize me

You can click the button below and authorize me into one of your discord server. Let's meet soon now!


Bring the Change

And now when I am auhorized in your server, make me a part of meaningful conversations that matter and need to be discussed by starting off with "Hi" or "Hey"